Inkscape drawing a box
Inkscape drawing a box

Thanks if anybody can help me with this question. They kind of look the same, a bit, sometimes. It doesn't seem to always be clear if I am drawing a line, or moving a handle. It almost seems like I need to click twice on the third sharp corner to really make it stick, but only once on the on the first and second sharp corner. What could I be doing that is altering the results ? For drawing a rectangle, click and drag the mouse diagonally, using the same motion as when dragging a selection box. I have carefully watched what I am doing, and I seem to be doing exactly the same actions every time, but yet, I get different results. But the other 6 times among 7 times, when I click the last time, my last 2 lines with a sharp corner become 1 bent line. Maybe 1 time among 7 times, I get 4 connected lines with 4 sharp corners. Holding down the shift key for all the actions, to the end. Step 6 Select both the tree and the shape you just drew and use Path > Division. Another way to set the fill and stroke, more easily in my view, select your rectangle then right click on one of the colors on the palette along the bottom of the inkscape window and choose Set stroke color. Step 5 Now we need to chop some wood Just grab the Pen tool and draw a shape that we’ll use to roughly separate the leaves from the trunk. This will convert this into a much more simple shape. I hold down the "shift" key and make one line, then click, and then make a second line, then click, and then make a third line, then click, and then bring the last line back to the starting point, and click. Make sure you select your tree and head up to Path > Stroke to Path. I want to use the Bezier tool to create a box with 4 sharp corners. I am sure that there must be something simple that I am missing, but I have been looking at this on and off for 2 or 3 days, hours accumulated, and I don't see what I am missing.

Inkscape drawing a box